Happy International Women’s Day

March 8, 2022

March is Women’s History Month but today is International Women’s Day (IWD) and it marks a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed since the early 1900’s when women’s oppression and inequality incited them to become active and raise their voices to create a change.

Today we honor women throughout the world who are courageous and have broken barriers throughout their careers.

Eleanor Levin, MD and Nancy Houston Miller, RN, BSN, the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Clinical Officer at Moving Analytics have spent their careers in the field of Cardiovascular Medicine building programs that support the delivery of comprehensive home-based cardiac rehabilitation that overcome barriers and improve access to care for patients with cardiovascular disease. Through these programs, they not only supported patients (both women and men), but enhanced the role of nurses as care managers through broadening the scope of the patient care role, fostering the nurse educator role, and addressing barriers to role enhancement. Today we celebrate these women who have not only faced and overcome gender discrimination but paved the way for future leaders in the field of healthcare.

This year, make International Women's Day YOUR day and do what YOU can to truly make a positive difference for women.

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